Graeme's Music

Graeme's vanity. Music he presumes to give thanks to the Glory of God.  At  least, how  poor Graeme is willing to pay homage to God, via mankinds best musical efforts. Graeme's favourite's, posted periodically to hopefully uplift post helpful mucic during our trials on earth. Some written for specifically for God, most secular but fitting nevertheless.

Just lost your favourite Great Vampire Squid a King's ransom?  Just woken up with tanker loads of oil you don't remember buying after last night's drinking and trading bender? Blown the Paris Christmas party budget for a humongous French bank? This is the place to make one's peace with God before calling in sick and heading out to the airport and a new life in Switzerland or elsewhere.

Helene Grimaud - Bach Harpsichord Concerto BWV 1052 III

Helene Grimaud - Bach Harpsichord Concerto BWV 1052 III - YouTube

Sacris Solemnis- DOMENICO ZIPOLI ~Música del Archivo Musical de Chiquitos (S.XVIII)

Sacris Solemnis- DOMENICO ZIPOLI ~Música del Archivo Musical de Chiquitos (S.XVIII) - YouTube

"Putt'in On The Ritz" - Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks

"Putt'in On TheRitz" - Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks

Sinfonía en Sol mayor- IGNACIO JERUSALEM Y STELLA~Orchestral Galant Music in the New Spain (ca.1760)

Sinfonía en Sol mayor- IGNACIO JERUSALEM Y STELLA~Orchestral Galant Music in the New Spain (ca.1760)

Johann Beer (1655-1700) - Concerto à 4

Johann Beer (1655-1700) - Concerto à 4

Antonio Vandini: Concerto in D major for Cello, Strings & B.c

Antonio Vandini: Concerto in D major for Cello, Strings & B.c - YouTube

SUPPE: Poet and Peasant Overture | CYSO's Philharmonic Orchestra

SUPPE: Poet and Peasant Overture | CYSO's Philharmonic Orchestra - YouTube

C.P.E Bach, Flute Concerto in A Major, Wq. 168: I. Allegro

Flute Concerto in A Major,Wq. 168: I. Allegro - YouTube

Alessandro Melani: Sonata à 5 in C major for 2 Trumpets, 2 Violins & B.c

Alessandro Melani: Sonata à 5 in C major for 2 Trumpets, 2 Violins & B.c - YouTube

Locatelli, Violin Concerto No.1 in D major, 3rd movThe Art of ViolinOp.3 (Giuliano Carmignola)

Locatelli, Violin Concerto No.1 in D major, 3rd movThe Art of ViolinOp.3 (Giuliano Carmignola) - YouTube

J.F.Fasch: Concerto in D major for 2 Obs, 2 Hns, 2 Bns, Strings & B.c FWV L:D16

J.F.Fasch: Concerto in D major for 2 Obs, 2 Hns, 2 Bns, Strings & B.c FWV L:D16 - YouTube

Julie Fuchs: LAUDATE DOMINUM at the Reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris

LaudateDominum Sang at the Notre Dame Reopening by French Soprano Julie Fuchs

G.F.Handel: 'Alla caccia / Diana Cacciatrice', Cantata HWV 79 (1707)

G.F.Handel: 'Alla caccia /Diana Cacciatrice', Cantata HWV 79 (1707) - YouTube

Georg Matthias Monn (1717-1750) - Concerto in D â 5

Georg Matthias Monn (1717-1750) - Concerto in D â 5 - YouTube

J.F.Fasch: Concerto in D major for 2 Fls, 2 Obs, Bn, 2 Hns, Strings & B.c FWV L:D15

J.F.Fasch: Concerto in D major for 2 Fls, 2 Obs, Bn, 2 Hns, Strings & B.c FWV L:D15 - YouTube

Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688-1758) Concerto for 2 corni da caccia

JohannFriedrich Fasch (1688-1758) Concerto for 2 corni da caccia - YouTube

The Polish Great, Antoni Habel.  Sinfonia in F Major: I. Allegro molto

Sinfonia in F Major: I.Allegro molto

Evaristo Felice Dall'Abaco: Concerto in D major for Strings & B.c Op.6 No.12

Evaristo Felice Dall'Abaco: Concerto in D major for Strings & B.c Op.6 No.12 (

Francesco Barsanti (1690-1775) - Concerto Grosso à 8 (1742)

Francesco Barsanti (1690-1775) - Concerto Grosso à 8 (1742) (

Handel: Organ Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 4 No. 2, HWV 290: 4. Allegro ma non presto

Handel: Organ Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 4 No. 2, HWV 290: 4. Allegro ma non presto (

A. Vivaldi: Il Riposo per il S. Natale - Concerto for muted violin, strings & b.c. (RV 270)

A. Vivaldi: Il Riposo per il S. Natale - Concerto for muted violin, strings & b.c. (RV 270) - YouTube

Johann Carl Christian Fischer (c.1733-1800) - Symphonie mit acht obligaten Pauken (c.1780)

Johann Carl Christian Fischer (c.1733-1800) - Symphonie mit acht obligaten Pauken (c.1780) (

Concerto in A Major - Oboe d'amore, Strings & B.C. J. D. Heinichen.

Concerto in A Major - Oboe d'amore, Strings & B.C., Seibel 228: Allegro (3) - YouTube

Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto for 2 clarinets, 2 oboes, strings & b.c. in C major (RV 560)

Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto for 2 clarinets, 2 oboes, strings & b.c. in C major (RV 560) - YouTube

A. Vivaldi: RV 555 / Concerto con molti istromenti in C major / Ensemble Matheus

A. Vivaldi: RV 555 / Concerto con molti istromenti in C major / Ensemble Matheus (

Concerto grosso in F Major, RV 574: III. Allegro

Concerto grosso in F Major, RV 574: III. Allegro (

Serafino Razzi - O Vergin Santa - Eva Zaïcik · Deborah Cachet · Le Poème Harmonique

Serafino Razzi - O VerginSanta - Eva Zaïcik · Deborah Cachet · Le Poème Harmonique (

SOLER ANTONIO 1729 1783 Fandango L'Arpeggiata, Christina PLUHAR

SOLER ANTONIO 1729 1783 Fandango L'Arpeggiata, Christina PLUHAR - YouTube

J C Schultze “Concerto in G major for Alto Recorder, Strings and Continuo”

J C Schultze “Concerto in Gmajor for Alto Recorder, Strings and Continuo” Renhard Goebel, 2009 - YouTube

Friedrich Schwindl - Sinfonia in D major, Op. 9 No. 3

Friedrich Schwindl - Sinfonia in D major, Op. 9 No. 3 - YouTube

Gottfried Meusel (1688-1727) Germany's long forgotten Lutist.

Gottfried Meusel (1688-1727) - Concerto in C-Dur - YouTube

Johann Friedrich Fasch - Concerto per liuto in re minore FWV L:d 2

Johann Friedrich Fasch -Concerto per liuto in re minore FWV L:d 2 - YouTube

Frantisek Jiranek Bohemia's finest composer.

František Jiránek (1698-1778) - Concerto a 5 - YouTube

Baston concerto for recorder No. 2 in C major Bagi Flóra - YouTube

Johann  F. Fasch



Handel having fun with Harps and Organs and other things.

Handel Harp Concerto - YouTube

Vivaldi Strings, Mandolins,  Recorders and Trumpets!

logger.com Edit (b

You wait ages for one grand piano, then 4 show up. Plus more!

Vivaldi's Other Gloria,

W.A. Mozart spoilt for choice.

Dresden's Heinichen. Have this one on me! 

Johann David Heinichen Concerto for Flute in D major S 225 - YouTube

Bach the Great Mystery.
Is this by JSB? Was it written for organ or Violin? You decide. Piano Music.

 Piano Music by J. C. Bach.

Haydn Creation understood!

Pietro Locatelli has fun with, what else, a viloin.

Albinoni the oboe King.

Boccherini. A contrast.

From the lesser Baroque. 

F.X.Brixi Organ Concerto in C major, Vera Hermanova - YouTube

Johann Christoph Schultze (1733-1813) - Concerto in G major - YouTube

Johann Georg Pisendel Violin Concerto in D major, Straumer / Guttler - YouTube

Thomas Tallis at his best. The rarely heard Spem in Alium 1570ish. By way of the highly gifted Caroline  of Montana, USA.  "I have never put my hope in any other but in you, God of Israel, who will be angry, and yet become again gracious...."

Spem in alium numquam habui praeter in te
Deus Israel
qui irasceris
et propitius eris
et omnia peccata hominum in tribulatione dimittis
Domine Deus
Creator coeli et terrae
respice humilitatem nostram


I have never put my hope in any other but in you
God of Israel
who will be angry
and yet become again gracious
and who forgives all the sins of suffering man
Lord God
Creator of Heaven and Earth
look upon our lowliness

We close Mark-Anthony Charpentier's (1636-1704) marsterpiece "March of Triumph." Little heard now inside or out side France. 

March of Triumph